Principal Desk

From the desk of Principal

Greetings to one and all!

It is indeed a privilege to join the Greenland School family. This school, which is an embodiment of educational values and purposes, is indeed an ideal choice for the attainment and conduct of pursuits in the field of learning.

History is testimony to the fact, that an investment in education, never goes waste. I believe strongly that learning continues in all ages but the content which delivers knowledge will change from time to time. The purpose of education as universally accepted is the preparation for life. However, life is not always steady and consistent; there are many ups and downs and the past pandemic is testimony to the fact that we need to create resilient and adaptable learners. The futuristic skills, which include collaboration, appreciation of different opinions and critical thinking have become part and parcel of the curriculum that we transact in our school.

It is said that the best highways create some of the biggest messes, inconveniences, detours and frustrations. But once constructed they are cited as masterpieces. so we need to embrace the change and at the same time be instrumental in being the change we want to see around us. My belief is that the youth will take our nation forward through education.

Alongside, we will ensure that our students demonstrate Global mindset and culture and are trailblazers in innovative activities and ideas. Alongside, we must remember that stars are not born or made in a day, it’s a long and painstaking process of hardwork, mentoring and dedicated efforts of numerous stakeholders. Our teachers have taken it upon themselves to make our students the best version of themselves.

We would like to ensure to you that we will be committed to delivering the best in terms of quality and progressive education. Also, we’d like to extend our hand and seek your valuable support towards this aim.

A day dawns, quite like other days; in it, a single hour comes, quite like other hours; but in that day and in that hour the chance of a lifetime faces us” – Maltbie Davenport Babcock. Therefore, let’s make each day and each moment count in the lives of our children.

~ Mrs Reena Singh
(Principal – Greenland School, Renukoot)